However, sometimes it becomes more like a job, than
a passion, and we begin to feel burnt out with all the demands that can come
from serving people. I remember hearing a speaker say, “We aren’t growing burnt
out because we are over-worked. We are burnt out because we have forgotten why
we do what we do.” That was so profound to me when I heard it, and it caused me
to look internally at myself. The person was right…you can not give what you do
not have.
In the world of non-profit work, we need to have passion
and purpose in our own lives, so we are able to give passion and purpose to our
members. However, with our own personal lives as busy as our work life, it can
be a real challenge. In those moments of your life when you think your
circumstances are at their worst, remember…things are never as bad as they seem,
and you have more control of your circumstances than you think. It is at that
moment, that you need to become the CEO of your own life and take control.
Many are waiting on life to happen in some fashion. Waiting
on enough spare time to begin to enjoy life. Waiting on enough business to seize
opportunities in the market. Waiting on enough money to have a child. Waiting
on the market to change to buy a house. Waiting on the ideal life partner to
make you feel loved. Waiting on retirement to start experiencing your bucket
list. Waiting, waiting, waiting...
Waiting for WHAT?
One day you wake up and you’ve lost 20 years of your life
waiting in the rut of work, kids growing up, and just life happening. Your soul
feels lost, your heart passionless, and your energy tank is on empty. It’s time
to stop waiting.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life, it’s that life
doesn’t happen to you, life is what you make a choice to do, and what
opportunities you seize when they come your way. Everyday, people have opportunities
dropped in their lap, yet they choose to NOT seize the moment and take
advantage of them. A great quality of life doesn’t just come to you. YOU make
it happen.
- Career
- Relationships
- Financial
- Physical Health
Each of these four areas drive everything in your
life from family, retirement, to professional development. If anyone of these
areas is lacking, it will have a negative impact on your ability to achieve the
quality of life you want.
To help people achieve maximum success in these
four areas, I’ve developed what I call The
Path to the Ultimate Life visual. The Path to the Ultimate Life visual has
four blocks on the inside that I call “Pillars,” and four words on the outside
that I call “Characteristics.”
The four Pillars on the inside are the four forces
that have the most impact on the four key areas on your life mentioned earlier.
They are:
- Choices (How you make them)
- Money (How you spend it)
- Time (How you invest it)
- People (Who you surround yourself with)
The four words on the outside are the four Characteristics
that you must have to do the fours Pillars with excellence. Those are:
- Attitude (It must be positive and good)
- Ability to Adapt (You must embrace change)
- Communication (A skill set you need to master)
- Perseverance (Nothing worth having is easy. Never give up)
I contend that if your life is not going the way
you want, or if you are not getting the fulfillment out of life you want, one or
more of the four Pillars are out of alignment, or you lack the skills in one or
more of the four Characteristics.
The questions for you to ask yourself are:
- How big of a gap do you have between the quality of life that you want, and the actual quality of life that you are experiencing?
- What Pillars are out of alignment, and what Characteristics do you need to work on, to make change and close your quality of life gap?
- What steps do you need to take to make it happen?

Life is short. The time to start living your
passion and purpose is now. Everyone from your family, friends, coworkers, and
members will see a difference in you as you begin to live the quality of life
you desire. Work on the four Pillars and four Characteristics, and bring them
all in alignment with your quality of life goal. Good luck in your journey to living the ultimate life.
This blog is a part of an exert from my new 25-chapter book, on How to Get People to Scream Your Name and Beg For More. See full details at